3 Habits You Won’t Regret

One of the first things you do when you want to change or improve your life is to reflect on your habits. Then, you start to let go of habits that are not benefiting you and replace them with ones that do! Simple in theory and practice once you get the hang of looking at your life objectively, defining and removing what’s not working, and replacing damaging habits with more valuable ones!

In this article, I will discuss 3 Habits you won’t regret taking on!

Habit No 1 -

Complete What You’ve Started.

I got into the habit of not finishing what I set out to do — resulting in years of unfinished projects, broken promises, and dissatisfaction. Every time I didn’t finish what I said I would do, I would disappoint myself and lose faith in my credibility. So I decided to let go of that habit and replace it with a new one. Whatever I said I would do, be it writing a book or baking a cake, I would do and do it properly! I would take the time needed to finish, tie up and complete what I gave my word on. This one habit transformed my life. My confidence grew, I felt and became more credible, and most importantly, I trusted myself once more.

Habit No 2:

Say ‘Yes’ when you want to say ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ when I want to say ‘No.’

It sounds easy, right? But what if you’ve spent your whole life saying ‘Yes’ when you really want to say ‘No’? A lot of people can quickly adopt this unhealthy habit. However, over time you begin to realise that even though you have the best intentions at heart, you are being dishonest with yourself and the people around you, and it’s not benefiting anyone. So this not very beneficial or pleasant habit must be replaced with being truthful, first and foremost with yourself. It’s living an honest life without a heart full of resentment for doing what you don’t want to do. Simplify and Happify (my favourite made up word) your days by adopting the life-changing habit of saying ‘Yes’ when you want to and ‘No’ when you don’t. P.s. Don’t worry; everybody will eventually get used to the new you once you get used to it and take it on fully!

Habit: No 3

Take Full Responsibility For Your Life

Take full responsibility for your life, meaning nobody is responsible for your happiness, sadness, or success but you. Take the power you unconsciously gave to others and things back where it belongs: with you. After all, it’s your life!



Dallaa Moussallati - The Love Yourself Guru

Life Coach, Writer and Motivational Speaker. Life becomes a joy once you start Loving Yourself and understanding your mind.