The Seven Step Process To Getting What You Want

If you are finding it difficult to get what you want, keep reading; this article is for you. I’m going to be sharing the Seven-Step Process that I use in my life and with my clients.

The Seven-Step Process

  1. Define
  2. Belief
  3. Intention
  4. Thoughts
  5. Words
  6. Actions
  7. Consistency

= Results


The first step to getting what you want is to define what you want. Unfortunately, most people spend most of their lives dissatisfied with what they are getting because they’ve not taken the time to determine precisely what they want.

Rule Of Thumb: The clearer you are, the better the results.

Pick an area in your life that you are dissatisfied with:

  1. Health and Fitness.
  2. Spirituality.
  3. Relationships
  4. Personal Development.
  5. Wealth/Career

Next, define what you want in one of the areas above.

Then ask yourself the following questions:

  • Why do I want this?
  • Will it bring joy to my Soul?
  • Will it better my life?

These questions really help you clarify what you want and why you want it. When you really start to Love yourself, you consciously choose things in your life that will better it and bring you joy.


Here is where you do some Soul Searching and examine whether you have any limiting beliefs regarding what you want.

For instance, you may believe that what you want is very difficult to achieve or you don’t deserve it. Here it’s important to remember that the only limits are the ones you decide to put and keep. So if you have any limiting beliefs, turn them around to beliefs that work for you rather than against you.


Once you’ve defined what you want and turned your limiting beliefs around, it’s now time to intend that you will work on getting what you have specified. I always see my intentions as a promise that I make to my Soul that I have decided on what I want, and I’m going to dedicate myself to getting it, God Willing.

Thoughts, Words, and Actions

Here’s where things get interesting. Most people aren’t getting what they want because they focus on what they don’t want; what you focus on increases. So how do you know what you are focusing on? Reflect on your thoughts, words, and actions; they will tell you exactly where you are putting your attention.

Now that you’ve defined what you want, it’s time to align your thoughts, the words you use, and your actions with it instead of in the opposite direction.


Consistency is essential to build momentum and create what you want, God Willing. But unfortunately, it’s this last step that many people give up. Mainly because their focus is on the results, not the process. In my experience, consistency in the process, taking appropriate baby steps everyday is where success lies; the end in mind could never be accomplished without it.



Dallaa Moussallati - The Love Yourself Guru

Life Coach, Writer and Motivational Speaker. Life becomes a joy once you start Loving Yourself and understanding your mind.