Unnecessary Thinking

Unnecessary Thinking creates unnecessary pain.

And when you Love Yourself, you start to love, honour, and respect your brilliant self and really work on eliminating pain and integrating joy.

Unnecessary Thinking is indulging in thoughts that don’t benefit you.

One example would be, ‘Worry.’

Now, ‘Worry’ is often about the future.

It’s often a prediction or string of thoughts about what may or may not happen.

When you worry about the future, you’re wasting your time because you are worried about events that may not even occur.

A whole story is made out of unnecessary predictions that may never come true.

So you waste your precious time on non-existent problems.

The mind is very clever at throwing worrying thoughts at you. It knows that you are very good at turning one thought into a string of thoughts which eventually turn into a horror movie.

Eventually, this becomes your way of being: you get into the habit of Unnecessary Thinking and end up spending most of your life worrying about things that don’t exist.

The interesting thing is that your body doesn’t know how to distinguish between real thoughts and an illusion. Instead, it believes all the thoughts you engage in.

So when you indulge in making a negative thought into a negative story, even though it’s not true, your body will react and create the emotions that correlate with your thoughts and that story.

Which in turn affects your behaviour which then creates your reality.

Over time an overload of unnecessary thoughts creates unnecessary negative emotions, which creates unnecessary stress on the body, and you experience both physical and psychological pain.

So what do you do?

How do you get out of the habit of unnecessary thinking?

First of all, when you start to worry, ask yourself,

‘Is what I’m worried about happening now?’

And you’ll find Ninety-nine percent of the time that it’s not.

You simply refuse to indulge in that worry because you know it will bring about unnecessary pain, and you know it’s not true.

As time goes by, you’ll get into the habit of letting go of negative thoughts your mind throws at you and not making them into a story. Instead, you observe them and let them go rather than believe them and participate and multiply them.

You could also engage in the thought, turn it around to the opposite and create a positive story with incredible outcomes, creating positive emotions and putting you in a healthy positive vibration.

Now, what if you are worried about a problem that does exist?

Again any form of worry, in my opinion, is unnecessary.

I always advise asking yourself,

‘Is what I’m worried about solvable?’

If it is solvable, turn your attention to working on the solution instead of worrying and focusing on the problem.

If you find that what you are worried about is not solvable, then that is probably a sign that things will sort things out on their own, God Willing.

Therefore, it would be more productive to revert your attention elsewhere to positive matters in your control.

You’ll get into the habit of not Thinking Unnecessary thoughts and start to think thoughts that bring you joy rather than pain, God Willing.

Most people spend their whole lives indulging in unnecessary thoughts; it’s only when you start to Love Yourself that you begin to refuse to put yourself through unnecessary pain.



Dallaa Moussallati - The Love Yourself Guru

Life Coach, Writer and Motivational Speaker. Life becomes a joy once you start Loving Yourself and understanding your mind.